From Fleece to Fiber: The Art of Crafting Yarn on a Small Farm

Outside the town of Crawfordsville lies a humble farm where the gentle bleating of sheep mingles with the rustling of the wind through the fields. Here, amidst this pastoral scene, a fascinating process unfolds - the transformation of raw sheep wool into luxurious yarn. 

A Sheep's Tale:

Every journey into yarn-making begins with the sheep. At our farm, we are home to a diverse flock of sheep, each breed with its own unique qualities. Our Border Leicester and Blue Faced Leicester ewes provide the longest wool in white and natural colored fleeces.

Shearing Season:

As the seasons turn, the time comes for the annual shearing of our sheep. Our seasoned sheep shearer gently removes the fleece, ensuring the sheep remain comfortable and unharmed throughout the process. The freshly cut fleece is a testament to nature's bounty and the beginning of our yarn-making journey.

Sorting and Cleaning:

Once the fleece is harvested, it undergoes a meticulous sorting process. Throwing away any soiled or inferior portions, we carefully select only the finest fibers for further processing. We typically deliver our fleeces to a woolen mill here in the Midwest. The fleeces are washed to remove dirt, lanolin, and other impurities. This step is crucial to achieving yarn of the highest quality, free from any unwanted residues.

Carding and Spinning:

The next step is carding to align the fibers in the same direction to create a smooth and consistent texture, while spinning transforms these fibers into yarn. Most of our yarns are played together to create a more balanced yarn.

Dyeing and Finishing:

Once spun into yarn, our fibers are ready to be infused with natural dyes or acid type dyes. After dyeing, the yarn undergoes a final finishing process to enhance its softness and durability, preparing it for the hands of knitters and weavers eager to bring their creations to life.


In an age where mass production reigns supreme, there's something truly special about the art of crafting yarn on a small farm. It's a labor of love that brings us closer to the land and the animals. From the sheep's wool to the soft yarn, each step shows how amazing nature is and how skilled people can be. So, the next time you hold yarn, think about its journey—from the sheep in the fields to the people who made it into something beautiful.

Silver Valley Farm